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A list of apps, libs & tools that helps during every day (developer) life.

A complete list of all apps, libs & tools.

Projects - Content Management System

It is a proof of concept. It's information system build on UI templates that are compiled to server side .NET assembly and to a javascript.

NTE - Admininistration Demo (Template Engine)

A demo instance of Template Engine administration.

NTE - Frontend Blog Demo (Template Engine)

A demo instance of Template Engine blog.

The is4wfw is a PHP based content management system. It uses custom XML tags for marking places that should be replaced by a dynamic content.

Projects - Dev

Core utilities and extensions for System.Core.

A NuGet package for localization of ASP.NET applications using GetText-like syntax.

Projects - Vsix

Install Visual Studio extension for overviewing builds.

Install Visual Studio extension for cancelling build on first error.

Install Visual Studio extension for line and selection duplication.